Kasbah Trial

Last few weeks have been productive, with planning for “Jumping the Gun” continued got the set changes down and altered the movement of the camera slightly (more on this another time), I also had 5 jobs contact me over 5 days which will hopefully lead me to getting a full time job with my degrees (at […]

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Jumping The Gun – Short Film

I got a very rare few days off together which enabled me to try to complete preproduction on my short film Jumping The Gun (JTG). It’s an ambitious effort in the style of Alfonso Cuaron and Martin Scorsese, as most of you have already guessed it’s a long take, which with some very clever editing […]

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The Marston’s Project

As mentioned before I’ve recently done some product photography for Marston’s. Over the past few months I’ve been testing my photography skills, it’s been entertaining and Google has took a battering looking up food photography.The planning was the key it allowed me to get through the photos in a slightly prolonged time frame, and I […]

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